Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 7 Exam Strategy

Week 7 Exam Strategy

Q Task: Think of one study strategy (prior to the FCS 320 Exam I) or exam taking strategy (during the FCS 320 Exam I) that you believe served you well. Mention one strategy that worked for you. Clearly indicate whether it was a study strategy when preparing or exam taking strategy that you incorporated while taking the exam. Offer brief explanation why you believe it works. You may cite some source or offer your insights. Please sign your post with the name you want to be called.

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The study strategy can help the individual to learn the topic and subject of the exam in a proper manner. For me, the time management strategy has played an important role for completing my studies before giving the exam. Following the time management strategy I have made a proper time schedule for preparing the chapters that are required for the exam. After that I collected the study materials from the online sources as well as from the provided material in the course. I have also made the gist of the chapters in order to get a detailed view of the chapters. I completed the chapters within the assigned time tables.